Brows – $15
Lip – $10
Chin – $10
Jaw Line – $20
Full Face – $40 & Up
Brows – $20
Lashes – $20
Lashes & Brows – $35
Lash Lifting
Lash Lift (Including Lash Tint) – $75
Wake up ready to go with long beautiful lifted lashes.
Lash lift is a semi-permanent lash curling treatment that works with your natural lashes.
Unlike traditional lash perming that can over curl and cause lashes to look short and stubby, lash lift uses silicone pads to fit different size eyes which lifts each lash individually to create the perfect curve for each lash and lash length.
With lifted lashes eyes look open and lashes appear longer and fuller. You will no longer need mascara or eyelash curlers.
Make your eyes even more beautiful with lash tinting which can be done at the same time. Treatment takes about 45 minutes and lasts about 4-6 weeks.
After Care:
– Be gentle; no rubbing lashes
– Do not get them wet for the first 24 hours
– No harsh products on eyes or lashes
– Avoid water proof mascara
– Avoid swimming for at least 24 hours
– Sauna / Steam is possible after 24 hours but may weaken the effect of the lift
– No facial treatment for 24 hours
As time goes by and seasons change so does your skin, it’s constant and sometimes dramatic. With professional treatment all skin types from sensitive, anti aging to oily and acne skin will see healthy results.
75 Minutes – $100
60 Minutes – $90
45 Minutes – $75
30 Minutes – $60
Back Facial – $85
Great for all skins, especially acne prone skin.
Dermaplaning (Only) – $65
Dermaplaning (Add-On) – $40
This is a simple & safe procedure for exfoliation of the skin & ridding the skin of fine villus (peach fuzz). This is a wonderful treatment paired with chemical peel.
Microdermabrasion Express – $45
Add An Enzyme Mask To Treatment – $20
Specialty Treatments
Oxygen Infusion – $120
Oxygen infusion will brighten, lift, calm and infuse essential nutrients for healthier skin no matter what skin type, color or condition!
Add LED Light Therapy – $10
Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber – $120
A really deep clean to rid the skin of black heads and other congestion clogging the pores and creating a dull life-less appearance. The scrubber can also penetrate products to help lift and hydrate the skin for a younger looking you.
Microdermabrasion – $120
Great resurfacing treatment to help with sun damage, fine lines and acne scars and so much more.
Chemical Peels – $140
This is a great purifying and resurfacing treatment
Microblading – $350
What is Microblading?
Also known as Microstroking, Eyebrow Embroidery & Brow Resurrection.
Microblading is a relatively new, manual method. It is considered to be semi-permanent, as compared to the traditional hair stroke technique. It is done using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the epidermis. Because we’re impacting the color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no “spilling” under the skin.
This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present. People suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that causes hair loss benefit greatly from Microblading, as well as people who simply aren’t happy with their eyebrows.
The pigments used in this method have been formulated to match your original eyebrow color, and if the eyebrows are still present, blend perfectly into them. The results are natural, flawless, fuller looking brow. Initially, the brows appear darker, but fade significantly over a two-week period. It is absolutely crucial to have a touch up done. as it is very difficult to predict how well the skin will retain the pigment.
The results can last anywhere from 1-3 years, depending on different factors affecting the procedure. However, a touch up once a year is recommended to retain the shape and saturation of pigment.
One complimentary touch up is provided within 3 months of initial procedure. Future additional touch ups will be done for a nominal fee as follows (price per procedure):
Within 1 Year – $75
Within 1-3 Years – $100
Within 3-5 Years – $150
5 Years + – $250
Patty’s Philosophy
The products I use have reached to the very core of nature to harvest vital life giving elements from the ocean and from the earth’s abundant pharmacy present in her vegetal roots, foliage and flowers. They represent a return to nature. For we are all a part of the same source.
The chemical elements as the dust of the earth, the stars and the ocean. Trace elements and minerals are the vital forces which sustain our electrolytic and magnetic energy. The complete balance of our subtle vibrations represents health and well-ness.
I recognize the skin as a major organ of the body, a mineral organ responsible for defending internal organs from invading microorganisms. An organ that is also responsible for communicating with the core of self. A sense organ which responds to touch, climate and environment.
The messages the skin receives are a part of patterning and forming our inner thoughts and physiological responses. Correct skin care can be a vital part of sustaining balance and well-being.
Contact Patty
2801 Wolflin Ave.
Amarillo, TX 79109
(Inside the Saged Wellness Center)
Skinplicity Skin Spa
2801 Wolflin Ave.
Amarillo, TX 79109
Get In Touch
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Have a peaceful day.